Shoe Case

Red cocoa

Red cocoa
Shoe Case
Red cocoa
Materials: MDF / COMPOSITE BOARD / METAL HARDWARE (Not real wood)
48"W x 12"D x 26"H
<Precautions for use>
Since it is a product with furniture attached to compressed wood, in case of water spill, it should be wiped dry immediately.
When water seeps in, the furniture surface swells and the adhesive surface is damaged.
If your shoes get wet in the rain, wipe off the water from the bottom of the shoes and put them in the shoe cabinet.
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<사용시 주의사항>
압축목재에 가구재가 부착된 제품이기 때문에 물이 엎질러진 경우 즉시 닦아 건조시켜야 합니다.
물이 스며들면 가구 표면이 부풀어 오르고 접착면이 손상됩니다.
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